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Scx Digital Control Panel Help!!

Johnny Burdon

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hi all, just signed up to get some help with my recently acquired SCX digital systems, I bought 2 sets, second hand. so here's the problem, when I setup the track, plug the power into the control panel, the controller lights go green and stay green where as they are suppose to flash orange until a control is plugged in. if I place a car on the track, it takes off quicker than flat out all by itself!! any suggestions?? is there a way of resetting the control panel or is it roached? thanks in advance guys~!!!

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ive read that thing like 50 times over lol, the worst thing is that when you google scx digital control panel, Samsung printers usually ends up taking over the search results!!! lol I can only assume I have a bung piece of track here somewhere that's causing havoc on the control unit, though its weird because once it bugers up, the track gets flat out power to any car you put on it.

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There really aren't many folks around here running on SCX digital I'm afraid. There were a couple of guys on the forum from Qld using SCX system, but I've not spotted them for awhile.


Hate to suggest this, but have you tried Slot Forum International? Bigger range of folks on digital there.



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You need to contact Bryan Young in the US who does all the SCX fixes and stuff (use google to find his website and contact details) - he's created numerous YouTube videos to help SCX Digital owners get the best out of their sets. Hopefully he's still employed, lovely fella and takes customer service to a whole new level. I hope you didn't pay over the nose the SCX Digital stuff as many people are offloading it during SCX's troubled times.


Drop me a PM if you struggle with contact information, I don't have his email address but he's on my IM list as a friend.

Edited by miveson
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