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inveterate retiree

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Everything posted by inveterate retiree

  1. @Jacob: I just logged in after some days & found that a user style that wouldn't work for me now does. Thanks for doing whatever you did in that regard, it is now looking just how my old eyes prefer it.
  2. Looking into it. I have a style that I will install when I next get a chance for people to use. Thanks Jacob.
  3. Any chance of a dark theme option for those of us with eyes that don't like bright? I've had a bit of a ferret about at http://www.userstyles.org/ to try & find a style that will work with the Firefox add-on called Stylish https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/ but I did no good.
  4. I couldn't get in either, but its probably due to the all sorts of internet privacy stuff I do to my computers, as it does cause some things on the net to become inaccessible.
  5. Has your Parma needed any maintenance yet?
  6. I liked the sky blue cylinder with the black plunger controller I had back in the 60's.
  7. The name Studebaker Hawk, always reminds me of Frank Zappa's "Billy the Mountain"... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_the_Mountain
  8. Gratitude is surely a valuable quality eh! I'm glad I'm not working on an assembly line. Henry Ford has got a lot to answer for, like MacDonalds for instance.
  9. Sounds like a great idea. Does your friend have any picures that you could link? Thanks for that info... More power is a good thing. He doesn't have a web site, he works as a service manager for a Toyota dealership these days, & looks after his large family. In his spare time he is restoring an old air cooled VW Kombi. Last time I spoke to him, he was thinking of getting hold of another VW buggy & putting a Subaru 2.5 motor in it for his son, who starts driving any time now. When I see him next (which isn't too often these days since he left my area), it will be the next time I go camping, I'll ask him if he has any photos. So you are just interested in photos of the Subaru powered Porsche I take it? I'll put your website into my mates section in my iPod, so I can pass it on to him. I expect that he will be very interested in what you are doing, as he is both a panel beater & a mechanic, apart from being a VW & VW buggy nut. (In case you are wondering, reason I can't just email him, is that he has changed his email address since he left town.)
  10. The photo of the chassis took me back to when I was in primary school... Thanks. [edit:] The magnesium Cox chassis that I had back then was just the ducks guts to me, I would so love to still have it.
  11. Sorry for the delay DM, I finally got around to having a look at your "Flip Side" links. I downloaded the "sketch" provided by Flip Side; sketch being what a program is called in Arduino speak for some strange reason? It is short & simple (even an Arduino beginner like myself can deal with it!). I have a few Arduino/compatible boards here, & a couple of old P3's (which I keep as Linux/IPCop firewall backup hardware), so I really "should" find a copy of WinXP somewhere & get a cheap simple timer happening - shouldn't I... I move so slowly these days I'm akin to a glacier... I'll see what I can come up with though as it may benefit Windows, Mac, & Linux users here (anyone else use Linux?) in the end.
  12. There's a Pinocchio in every crowd...
  13. Great project iwan! I have a friend who has built some VW buggies & has owned a few various model Porsche bodies road VW's too. He currently has a 911 with a Subaru 2.2 motor in it. One of his earlier Porsches had a WRX motor in it for a while, I'm probably glad I didn't get to passenger in that... Though all of his projects are really quite simple (fibreglass bodies that he didn't make) compared to what you have undertaken. I look forward to seeing photos of the completed car one day in the future.
  14. It would certainly be a challenge to try to control an Arduino controlled robot with your brain waves. It would be easier if you could just trigger it with your brain waves to run a preprogrammed loop, that had it go & get you a beer, rather than having to guide it to the source grab the beer & bring it back. For that amount of effort you'd need it to bring back a six pack.
  15. For anyone who does get serious about the Arduino, it is well worth looking at the Australian made, 100% compatible, Freetronics Eleven: http://australianrobotics.com.au/products/freetronics-eleven The Eleven has a prototyping area built in, which can be incredibly useful & save on having to buy an add-on prototyping board. I've mounted/soldered in a little clock & battery on one of mine, which can be incredibly useful in so many ways. My intention is to create a garden irrigation controller that is solar/battery powered. It will measure the moisture of the soil, the flow through any water lines from directly in front of where they all branch from (to identify any kind of failure in the plumbing & if so turn that line off), naturally it will have the ability to turn on/off the flow of water to specified beds (via relays). I need to program in a system that can be controlled via an IR remote, as that means that a user doesn't have to touch the Arduino or connect it to a computer to change the programmed timing for watering the beds. Whether I actually complete this one or not remains to be seen. I'm not the thinker that I once was, which I'm finding is lessoning the attraction to focus on this project lately. So once again, time will tell...
  16. Thanks for the vids on the Muscle Car Masters. They take me back to the good old days when all of the touring cars didn't look the same.
  17. I've found the following site to be a great introduction to the Arduino hardware capabilities via well written tutorials on how to program them: http://tronixstuff.wordpress.com/tutorials/ These people from my experience are great for buying hardware, books & such from; they are helpful & reliable: http://australianrobotics.com.au/
  18. "Presenting the legend": I thought that meant 917's...
  19. Sorry Neil, but I think that the engineering of the "bird" is amazing & that it is worthwhile appreciating that from new steps forward in engineering there usually comes a great variety of other useful & innovative offshoots that were not ever dreamed of by the original designers of same.
  20. You'd have to become more than a master of the Arduino systems to come up with something like that. The mathematics of engineering has always been out of my reach.
  21. Hi Phil, I run ninco digital track, & found out about Inox in the early days of being a member here. As has already been mentioned, it is magic - a little squirt on the braids & problems disappear.
  22. Thanks Gary, for another educational trip down memory lane. I hired a guy to work for me in the early 1970's, primarily because he had a Lotus Twin Cam Escort. I was a Cooper S, man (more like kid) at the time, & wanted to have the opportunity to investigate this twin cam thing. I found out all too soon that it wasn't the appropriate credential to use to hire someone, or at least him anyway.
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